Aaron Benson

Aaron BensonForm Study is a series that began as a break from my conceptual focused work. I needed a mental retreat and the freedom to enter my studio space without an agenda and get back to what made me fall in love with art in the first place; building. I am a maker, a builder in the most basic sense. As I entered my studio with this mindset, I altered my process away from relying heavily on line and angle, by softening the edges to the point that few were even found on the form itself. What remained were organic, rounded forms that seem to expand, move, bend and fold. The movement and form referenced the figure, tree root formations and landscape.


As a child wrestles with a balloon, twisting and moving the volume that is trapped inside, these form studies visually seem to grow with an ever-expanding volume developing inside. The manipulation of space impacts both the interior and exterior spaces. The smooth, swollen forms, as if frozen in a moment of movement, arch and bend, hovering on the pedestals. The space around each form is charged as the swells undulate and tuck from every angle. Minimally surfaced with solid, satin-textured patina, the winter palette allows each form to wrestle in cool tones. The viewer cannot escape the entrancing curvilinear form drawing the viewer to each side and back again, visually moving over and under and through forms wrapped in rust, charcoal, blue or gray. Displayed in three-dimensional diptychs and triptychs by color, an oscillating dialogue hums through the gallery space as each form study leads alluringly to the next in curious visual cohesion.



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